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Why We Care

With poor people everywhere, why help this school, why help these children? When you visit the Opportunity School in Chennai, India, you see happy children learning a skill, helping each other, being nurtured by loving teachers. You know good things happen here. When our SOSMC founder happened to be in Chennai, working on an engineering project, she visited the school, and got to know Kasthuri Devaraj, a saintly lady who has devoted 50 years to this school and children. Kasthuri is the most selfless person she had ever met. Other engineers visited the school, we learned of their needs, and got involved.  How could we not!  SOSMC became a 501(c)(3) in 2016.

The Opportunity School is 50 years old. This amazing vocational school, with a dormitory, for children with disabilities needs renovation. During the years, the monsoon rains flood the area. In November 2015, the floodwaters reached the 2nd floor of the school. Repairs have been made over time, but renovation is badly needed. It's difficult enough for children to learn without dealing with facilities in disrepair.


We have completed the renovation of the 1st building and lifted it 5 feet! And the renovation of the 2nd building has been completed. 

Now WE NEED YOUR HELP to fund the lifting and renovation of 3rd and last building!

Watch Nisha's Story to see why this school is so important!

Nisha's Story

Nisha's Story

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