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What is the Opportunity School?

The population of poor children with disabilities in Chennai, India, is woefully underserved. The Opportunity School is their only hope.  


Since its inception in 1969, the Opportunity School has helped students from all backgrounds. The women who run the school are amazing - loving the children, stretching their meager funds, creating opportunities for these children to have fruitful lives.

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A teacher helps a student learn to count money.  

The school’s purpose is to educate children with disabilities and to help them become self sufficient members of society.


This vocational school provides education, life skills, and vocational training (ages 3-18) for some of India’s most needy, vulnerable, and ostracized members of society. . 

See the amazing ball room that the vocational art students created for the Early Intervention Students.

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Inspiring Interview with Art Teacher Mr. Anthony

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P.O. Box 12515 Dallas, Texas 75225 USA




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SOSMC has no overhead and is run 100% with volunteers. Your donation is tax-deductible.  

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